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Schlagwort: en

  • Happy New Year 2022

    Happy New Year 2022

    What is the point of New Year‘s resolutions? Every year the sunrise has to be secured Every December is a great occasion to read or watch (links contains spoilers) „Hogsfather“ by Terry Pratchett. The main point of the plot is Death and his granddaughter Susan trying to rescue the Hogsfather (the Discworld equivalent of Santa Claus) from dying to…

  • Isolation or insulation?

    Isolation or insulation?

    How can you be part of the world and still protect yourself against all the pain? From one of my favourite podcasts I picked up an approach to a healthy way to connect.

  • Samhain Basics

    Samhain Basics

    My thoughts on the 1st of November as a point in time where we can find strength in letting go. Denominational and nature based.

  • Autumn Equinox Basics

    Autumn Equinox Basics

    My thoughts on the 22nd of September as a time for balancing our harvest and preparing for autumn. Denominational and nature based.

  • Lughnasad Basics

    Lughnasad Basics

    My thoughts on the beginning of August as time for gratitude and awareness for what nourishes us. Cross-community and nature based.

  • Beltane Basics

    Beltane Basics

    My thoughts on the beginning of February as a time where we get ready to start new activity after the dark of winter. Cross-community and nature based.

  • Spring Equinox Basics

    Spring Equinox Basics

    My thoughts on the spring equinox as a point in time where things move quickly and nature really wakes up. Denominational and nature based.

  • Solidarity in social distancing

    Solidarity in social distancing

    What SARS-CoV2 teaches us about being human. Based on a quote by Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky I wonder how physical distancing can bring us closer together.

  • Walking meditation about rubbish

    Walking meditation about rubbish

    Have you ever heard about plalking? My thoughts on picking up rubbish when walking through nature as a metaphore for internal mental cleanup measures.

  • Imbolc Basics

    Imbolc Basics

    My thoughts on the beginning of February as a time where we get ready to start new activity after the dark of winter. Cross-community and nature based.